
Improving Your Jazz Dance Skills: An Expert's Guide to Improving your Jazz Dance Success

Improving your jazz dance skills is a lot like improving your golf swing. The more you practice, the more natural it feels and the easier it gets. The same can be said for jazz dancing. As you continue to practice, your skills will improve and it will get easier to execute moves on the dance floor. You'll feel more relaxed, and your movements will become more fluid and less robotic. Because there are so many aspects that make up great jazz dancing, perfecting your skills requires a holistic approach. You have to work on all of these separate elements at once if you want to see real results. In this article, we’ll talk about 4 powerful tips for improving your jazz dance skills...



Dance Skill Tip 1: Stretch

One of the most important aspects of your jazz dance practice is stretching. Stretching is important so that you don’t injure yourself while you’re dancing. Improving your jazz dance skills involves getting stronger, so you have to learn how to take care of yourself if you want to keep practicing. When you’re stretching, do so properly. You don’t want to overextend yourself or pull any muscles. You also don’t want to be exaggeratedly slow or exaggeratedly quick when you stretch. You don’t have to stretch after every practice session, but it’s a good idea to stretch once a week. Pick a stretch that you can easily do for 30 seconds to one minute. It doesn’t matter if you’re stretching your hamstrings, your shoulders, or your back; as long as you’re stretching evenly and fully, you’re getting your muscles ready for the next practice session.


Dance Skill Tip 2: Breathe correctly

One of the most common issues that new dancers have is breathing. When dancers practice incorrectly and don’t stretch properly, they often don’t breathe correctly, either. You have to breathe while you’re moving, but it’s very important to breathe correctly while you’re practicing. Breathing incorrectly can cause you to move incorrectly and run yourself into a wall or two. When you’re breathing, keep your stomach and chest relaxed. Your lungs are in your stomach, so you want to keep them relaxed and flat. You don’t want to puff your chest out or pull your stomach in. Your arms and legs should also be relaxed while you’re breathing. Your arms should be at your side or slightly bent at the elbow. Your legs should be bent at your knees or slightly straightened at the ankle. When you’re breathing, your arms and legs should be relaxed.


Dance Skill Tip 3: Practice your jazz movements frequently

When you’re learning new jazz movements, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Start slow. Even if you’ve been dancing for a while, you’ve got to start somewhere. Pick a few new movements that you want to master and practice them frequently. When you’re learning a new jazz movement, be sure to break it down into its smallest parts. What are the movements that you need to do to execute the move? If you’re learning a new step, what are the steps that you need to do before, during, and after the move? It’s not enough to just memorize the move and be able to execute it perfectly in a dance setting. Repetition is the key here.


Dance Skill Tip 4: Learn new vocabulary and techniques

It’s important to learn new vocabulary and new techniques as you improve your jazz dance skills. New vocabulary will help you express yourself more and also expand your vocabulary. New techniques will help you break down the move into smaller parts and execute them more fluidly. When you’re learning new vocabulary words, pick words that are simple and easy to understand. Pick words that aren’t too long, either. Pretend that you’re a new student and you’re trying to learn the words as quickly as possible. Pick short words that are easy to memorize and that you can understand easily. When you’re learning new vocabulary words, pick words that are simple and easy to understand. Pick words that aren’t too long, either. Pretend that you’re a new student and you’re trying to learn the words as quickly as possible. Pick short words that are easy to memorize and that you can understand easily.



Improving your jazz dance skills is a lot like improving your golf swing. The more you practice, the more natural it feels and the easier it gets. When you’re practicing, don’t just dance in a straight line. Practice in a set pattern. Pick a pattern such as a circuit. Move around the circuit, rotating through each position. Rotate through a pattern like this and you’ll be able to practice your jazz dance moves in a more realistic setting. Whatever you do, don’t get discouraged. It takes time and practice to become a better dancer, but it’s worth it in the end. It will be so worth it when you start to feel the music as you dance on the dance floor.

Interested in classes to help you perfect your dance skills? Try a free class here!

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