
Why is Dance Important? The Benefits of Dance for Kids and Adults!

Did you know that dancing is a great way to relieve stress, increase your heart rate and get in touch with your body? Dancing can be a fun way to get moving, meet new people and give yourself the confidence boost of being able to learn something new. It’s also a wonderful social activity that brings all kinds of people together. As an adult who once took classes as a teen, I don't think I appreciated at the time how helpful learning new dance moves would be for me later on in life! As an adult with two kids of my own, it even hits home even more... because there’s so much research about why dance is beneficial for kids. Read on for why you should get your kids into dance class ASAP!



The Importance of Dance for Kids

Children who take dance classes score higher on cognitive ability tests, social skills tests, and emotional tests than children who don't. Dance is also great for kids with special needs, even those on the autism spectrum. It can boost a child's self-esteem and confidence, especially if they have been bullied or have low self-esteem. The rhythmic and flowing movement of dance is a great way for kids to express themselves and experiment with their bodies and what they can do with them. It can help them learn about their bodies, their coordination and their senses. They can explore their creativity and learn to express themselves through dance. They can connect with their bodies, feel good about themselves and develop a sense of belonging and community.


Why is Dance Important? Reason #1: Cognitive Development

Dance is important, since learning new dance moves and creating new routines can help improve a child’s ability to problem solve, think creatively and stay focused. Dance can help to build a child’s vocabulary and language skills, as well as his imagination. Ballet and other dance forms often incorporate storytelling, so kids can work on developing their verbal skills while exercising their bodies. Dance is also a great way to develop a child’s gross motor skills, which are the large muscle groups used during activities like running, jumping and lifting. Gross motor skills are crucial for a child’s development and can help him build confidence as he grows.


Why is Dance Important? Reason #2: Physical Development

As a child grows and develops, she needs to be active in order to build strength, stamina and coordination. These are crucial and growing skills that help to build a child’s self-esteem and confidence. A child can learn how to properly use her body and move her muscles in new and exciting ways. Dance is also important, as it  can help to strengthen a child’s core muscles, which are crucial for proper posture. Strong core muscles can help a child maintain good posture throughout her life, which can reduce the risk of back problems and other posture-related issues like headaches or tight muscles. Dance can also help kids improve their flexibility and range of motion, which is essential for sports and other physical activities.


Why is Dance Important? Reason #3: Emotional Development

Young children learn best through play, and dance is a creative, sensory-stimulating way to engage with the world. A child can develop her creative side while engaging in an active, fun and social activity. Dance is important in this aspect, since it can help a child learn to deal with disappointment and frustration, or be a way for him to express how he feels. Dance can be a great way for a child to connect and open up to other kids and adults in class. A child can be encouraged to express himself and learn to take risks, which can boost his confidence and self-esteem.


Why is Dance Important? Reason #4: Social Development

Dance can help a child cultivate new friendships and connect with others, as well as improve her communication skills. This can be particularly important for children who are shy or who have social anxiety. Dance is often a team sport, so it can help kids learn how to work together and support one another. This may be helpful for children who struggle with sports and prefer a non-competitive environment.



A child can learn how to be confident and proud of who he/she is as he/she grows and develops, and dance can be a great way to do this. It can be a fun, creative outlet that helps a child grow and develop in many different ways. Being part of a dance group can help a child learn how to build new relationships and connect with others, while also staying active and learning how to properly use her body.


If you are still curious about why dance is important, consider trying out a free dance class here!

A Step In Time