
80s Hip Hop Influence on Fashion

There’s no denying that the decade of the 80’s was a whole era of its own. From the presence of hip hop culture and fashion to the endless amount of pop culture references, it is quite evident why people refer to this decade as the “Golden Era” of hip hop. The iconic boom boxes, wide lapels, Afros and golden chains all combined to create one iconic look that paved the way for future hip hop trends. Hip Hop has evolved over time, with new styles emerging more frequently than ever before. However, there are some aspects that have remained consistent throughout each new era. With that in mind, let us take a look at some unexpected ways the 80’s in Hip Hop style has influenced modern fashion:



The Role Of Music and 80s Hip Hop In Fashion Inspiration

Music may be at the core of hip hop fashion inspiration, but that does not mean it should stop there! The music of the 80’s also had a crucial impact on fashion inspiration during other decades. For example, the 80’s were a huge decade for pop music, as well as the rise of rock music and new wave. These genres all had an important impact on fashion inspiration, which can be seen during other decades as well.


Golden Era Of Hip Hop Style and Culture

The 80’s were an important period for Hip Hop, with the genre going through an evolution from the early boombox days to being more mainstream and popular. New rappers, such as Run DMC, Vanilla Ice and Beastie Boys, emerged and created a legacy that lasted all the way until the present day. The popularity of the Boombox also went hand in hand with a significant growth of hip hop culture. There was a significant rise in the culture, with New York City being the most prominent city to experience this. With the emergence of hip hop culture, various sub-genres also emerged and became more prominent.


Wide Neck T-Shirts And Jerseys

It was in the 80’s that wide neck T-shirts and jerseys emerged as a trend in fashion. This was a trend that was inspired by hip hop fashion, where rappers would wear T-shirts with a wide neckline. New York City was the most prominent hub for this trend, as its artists and graffiti artists were some of the earliest adopters of this fashion. This trend was the result of the popularity of K-Reds, which was a color of red that was inspired by the red graffiti sprayed on New York City walls by the artists of that time.


Afros And Twists

Afros were a huge part of hip hop culture during the 80’s and they also went a long way in influencing the fashion trends of other decades. Afros were one of the most prominent hairstyles during the 80’s, though they have been seen in fashion even in other periods. The popularity of Afros in the hip hop culture was probably the reason behind their consistent presence in fashion trends. There were various hairstyles that were inspired by Afros; the most prominent of them being the cornrows. These hairstyles are most prominently inspired by the Afro hairstyle. Cornrows can be seen as a form of self-expression, as they are a way to get one’s cultural significance across.


The Return Of The Suede Loafers And Chucks

Suede loafers and Chucks were two very prominent shoes during the 80’s. Both of these shoes were very popular among rappers and were often worn together with wide neck T-shirts. The popularity of suede loafers was probably the result of the fact that these were a very elegant shoe that was also very comfortable. Suede loafers were often paired with a suit, or were worn casually with a pair of jeans. Chucks were another very popular shoe during the 80’s. These were also a very comfortable shoe and were also a very popular footwear among rappers. The popularity of Chucks was also a result of the fact that sneakers were already very popular, and Chucks were a good alternative to sneakers.



The 80’s in hip hop style has left an indelible mark on the fashion trends of modern times. The 80’s in hip hop style has influenced modern fashion by borrowing the boom boxes, wide neck T-shirts, Afros and suede loafers and chucks. These are some of the most iconic looks of the 80’s in hip hop style, and all of them are still being seen in modern fashion. If you want to look like a modern day hip hop star, try replicating these fashion trends from the 80’s.

Is your child interested in hip hop style? Read more about the Hip Hop classes we offer here!

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